During my four decade law enforcement career, I saw the result of all types of crime and how it affected victims and their families. When I retired, my desire to help people be more secure did not diminish. This website is the result of that desire. 

 The economy, while improving, is still in the dump. Layoffs of police officers and sheriff deputies continue in many cities and counties struggling to stay afloat. Today with the pandemic and civil unrest you have a greater need to carry self protection products, home alarms and have surveillance cameras for you and your family’s safety and security.  

My Mission is to help you be safer and more secure in your daily lives through information and products.

With my mission in mind I started ForSecuritySake.com in 2010.  Electronic Barking Dogs are one of the best selling specific use motion detection alarms on the market today, but there are of different types and quality. 

I decided to create the information site barkingdogalarm.net in 2016. This site will focus on the best barking dog alarm system out there. I have tested different alarms in different areas and since we have done a lot of the research work for you, many of your questions can be answered here at BarkingDogAlarm.net.